Lingenfelter CNC Ported LS7 C6 Z06 Corvette Cylinder Heads - Pair

Part Number: LS7CNC
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Lingenfelter CNC Ported LS7 C6 Z06 Corvette Cylinder Heads - Pair
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Product Details

Lingenfelter offers our CNC ported version of the LS7 aluminum cylinder head used on the C6 Corvette ZO6 that is the same as what is used in our 630 horsepower & 660 horsepower C6 ZO6 packages.

The port and chambers are carefully designed to provide the best combination of high flow capabilities and improved port velocity. This combination provides excellent horsepower gains while maintaining a strong torque curve. Lingenfelter LS7 cylinder heads are CNC ported in house to insure that exact tolerances are maintained.

Following porting each head receives: Precision 3 angle valve job to maximize flow & provide extended life, CC checking chamber size for correct compression, surfacing to insure deck flatness, professional assembly, setting spring height & checking all tolerances.

Base price package includes porting your complete customer supplied cylinder heads
Stock GM LS7 2.205 diameter titanium intake valves
GM LS7 1.615 diameter hollow stemmed sodium filled exhaust valves
LS7 valve springs stock retainers, locks and GM valve seals

Prices include checking your valve guides for proper size, if your heads require guide replacement the cost is $9.50 per guide.

If you are planning to use the Lingenfelter GT-19 or GT-21 camshaft Lingenfelter recommends upgrading to Ferrea dual springs, titanium retainers & valve locks. These flow numbers are tested with correctly sized bore adapter and no exhaust pipe.

LPE CNC Ported LS7 Flow Specs
Intake valve lift / Exhaust valve lift
.200 - 174 cfm / .200 - 120 cfm
.300 - 256 cfm / .300 - 164 cfm
.400 - 312 cfm / .400 - 200 cfm
.500 - 352 cfm / .500 - 222 cfm
.600 - 384 cfm / .600 - 234 cfm
.650 - 395 cfm / .650 - 239 cfm
.690 - 396 cfm / .690 - 242 cfm

Intake runner size: 272 CC
Exhaust runner size: 90 CC

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