Lingenfelter Build History- VIN Look up
Part Number: VIN_LookUp
Please provide the VIN of the vehicle that you would like to verify was built by Lingenfelter Performance Engineering. If the VIN is verified in our system, you will be provided the original build sheet on the vehicle (if available). Records will be searched dating back to 1994.
Product availability: Call Sales @260-724-2552

Product Details
Please provide the VIN of the vehicle that you would like to verify was built by Lingenfelter Performance Engineering.
If the VIN is verified in our system, you will be provided with the original build sheet on the vehicle (if available). Records will be searched dating back to 1994.
*Vehicles that were built between April 2015 - May 2018 can be verified but we will not be able to offer documentation due to an operating system error.*
There are no refunds if the vehicle is not found in our records.